Continuous Improvement and Control Plans

Once processes are improved it's critical we keep them from backsliding. The ability to leverage tools like Control Plans, Poka Yoke and SPC are must use tools. 

Improvement Techniques

In this video you'll review some of the most popular improvement based tools that can be used to identify root causes and countermeasures.

Control Plans

In this video you will learn what Control Plans are as well as how to create your own using the Control Plan template we're providing. You'll also learn what the Second Law of Thermodynamics has to do with continuous improvement!


The ability to error or mistake proof a product or process is an extremely important part of the Improve and Control Phases within the DMAIC roadmap. It's also important anytime errors or mistakes are identified, even outside of project work. In this module you'll learn what Poka Yoke is as well as how to leverage it as we continuously strive towards zero defects.

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Apex Campus
Total General Hours: 1.00
Member: $30.00