Project Selection

Now that we've covered some important foundational work it's time to learn how to identify a good project. This step is extremely important since a poorly scoped project has little hope of success. So, grab your favorite beverage and let's get started!

Business Needs Assessmnet

In this video we begin the project selection process by learning how to identify problem areas within the business using the Business Needs Assessment.

3 Voices Scorecard

In this video you'll learn how to prioritize business needs using a tool called the 3 Voices Scorecard.

The Problem Statement

The ability to formulate strong problem statements is absolutely critical to the success of any Six Sigma project. In this video you'll learn exactly how to go about this important process.

The Objective Statement

In this video you'll learn how to create Objective Statements that are both "SMART" and focused on the issue defined in the Problem Statement.

The Primary Metric Graph

In this video you'll learn how to create a Primary Metric graph using the downloadable template we provide. Using HD quality screen capturing techniques you'll know exactly what to do and how to work with this document no matter your experience with MS Excel.

The Project Charter

In this video you'll learn how to create a strong Project Charter using the free MS Excel template that's provided free of charge.

Calculating Savings of Improvement Projects

In this video you'll learn what the most common types of savings are as well as how to go about calculating benefits for these projects.

Team Meeting Facilitation

The ability to effectively manage teams and meetings is critical. By the end of this video you'll understand the "Group Development Model" while also learning a 5 phase process to managing excellent meetings. Finally, you'll learn 2 powerful facilitation tools that you'll be able to use immediately.

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Total General Hours: 1.00
Member: $30.00