Virtual Management Systems

Managing virtual or remote work poses both unique advantages and challenges. Succeeding in a virtual environment requires more than using digital collaboration tools and videoconferencing. Learn the proven tools, practices, and steps for adopting a virtual management system.

What Is a Virtual Management System?

A virtual management system is a framework that allows a person to lead a team of remote workers effectively. Virtual management combines technology, good teamwork habits, and process visualization. Learn the typical situations that can benefit from virtual management and the main steps to adopting such an approach.

Forming Virtual Teams

Effectively managing in a virtual environment requires more than shifting an existing team to remote work. Forming an effective virtual team requires a leader to consider several factors. Learn the importance of team size and team composition for virtual teams, and how leaders can foster a positive virtual team environment.

How to Create a Virtual Management System Board

The virtual management system relies on a visual display board as the focal point for the team’s regular review and communication. Learn the simple guidelines for creating and using a virtual management system board.

Using Technology to Enable Virtual Management

A good online collaboration platform can streamline a team’s communication, record keeping, and become the visual space for connecting. However, taking a team virtual requires more than selecting an IT solution. Learn the key functions these platforms need to have and how leaders can prepare their team to use them successfully.

How to Run a Virtual Management Meeting

The virtual management meeting is a regular, formal check-in process that helps remote team members communicate, collaborate, and be productive. Although the frequency and format vary by team, there are common elements. Learn the key points and tips for running effective virtual meetings.

How to Build Virtual Management System Discipline

The practice of visual management makes it possible for teams to show what they are working on and when they plan to deliver their work. The nature of remote work makes it more challenging for leaders to engage with teams through their visual management tools. Learn how the visual management system uses five key activities that include layered audits, coaching, and ongoing communication, to build discipline and overcome these challenges.

Getting Started with Virtual Management Systems

After forming a virtual team and clarifying roles and responsibilities, it’s time to begin building our new way of working. There are five main activities for getting started with virtual management. Learn how teams stabilize the process, document standard work, visualize the key performance indicators, establish leader standard work, and pilot the virtual management system.

How To Do Virtual Gemba Walks

Although virtual and remote processes are difficult to directly observe, gemba walks play a crucial role in the success of virtual management systems. Gemba walks provide a way for leaders to show up, pay attention to what’s happening in the process, ask questions, and show respect to the team members. Learn three common ways and key considerations for doing virtual gemba walks.

Weekly Virtual Team Meeting Example (Edited)

Remote teams stay connected, communicate, and collaborate using simple visual tools and a cadence of regular reviews. Learn how the Gemba Academy content development team meets bi-weekly to update each other on the status of key performance indicators, discuss problems or issues blocking progress, check on the status of improvement ideas, and celebrate achievements of the past week. This is an edited version, capturing the essence of the meeting. You can also view our full meeting in the next module.

Weekly Virtual Team Meeting Example (Full length)

Remote teams stay connected, communicate, and collaborate using simple visual tools and a cadence of regular reviews. Learn how the Gemba Academy content development team meets bi-weekly to update each other on the status of key performance indicators, discuss problems or issues blocking progress, check on the status of improvement ideas, and celebrate achievements of the past week.

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