Leader Standard Work Essential

Standard work for leaders is the set of actions that a leader must perform daily, weekly, or monthly to ensure that their organization or team functions successfully. This course will review the key elements of leader standard work, identify supporting activities and tools, and introduce the day in the life of or DILO analysis as a way to determine the essential actions to include in standard work.

Leader Standard Work Overview
Getting Started with Leader Standard Work
How to Do a DILO Analysis

The DILO Analysis helps people find time in their day to do more of the things they love by bringing lean thinking to knowledge work. Learn how to set time management goals, observe an actual “day in the life of,” and refocus our energies. We will review the five steps of DILO Analysis through an example from an IT manager.

Leader Standard Work for Daily Management: Putting It All Together

Leader Standard Work documents each leader’s unique combination of activities and responsibilities on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It is one of the four essential routines of a Daily Management System. Learn how Leader Standard Work ties all four of these routines together as the basis for a leader to have a successful day.

Individual topic purchase: Selected
Apex Campus
Total General Hours: 1.00
Member: $30.00
Non-member Price: $50.00